People have sadness, agony, happiness, and joy in their hearts. Agony begets more agony, sadness begets more sadness, and hatred begets more hatred. If you think “it’s impossible,” it becomes impossible. On the other hand, joy brings more joy, happiness brings more happiness. Your life depends on how your heart DNA is designed.

Recently, I talked with a professor in biotechnology. He told me that we can now make a human clone. It is possible to keep the clone frozen, and when the person’s eyes or organs are damaged, they can replace it with the clone’s eyes or organs. It will be just like replacing a part in an automobile.

He explained to me the process of making a clone. When an egg meets a sperm, it is fertilized and forms a single cell. The cell divides into two, and four. After a rapid process of division, it develops into the sophisticated structure of a human. When the cells divide, they take different forms. Some of them turn into a nose and some into eyes as they receive orders from the DNA. All cells have DNAs within the nuclei, and the DNA orders the cells, “You go and divide into a nose, you be an eye, you be an ear.” As the cells divide, they become a head, hands, and feet according to the setup in the DNA.

The process of making a clone is to first shake the egg to take out the nucleus inside the cell. Next is to insert the nucleus that was extracted from the cell of the person you want to clone into the egg. When the egg divides, it divides into the form that is set up in the DNA, and it will grow into a clone of the person. Through this process, a “clone” with the same form and same condition is born.

Currently, there are no clones that are being made. We have the technology ready, but due to ethical issues, it is prohibited by law.


DNA does not only exist in our bodies. Our hearts also have DNA so people have unique personalities, mindset, attitude, and behaviors. People tend to have their own way of thinking and doing. What we can see now, is that when you shake off and take out your own DNA and insert a good DNA in your heart, you will live a completely different life. You will become the same person with the one that the DNA came from. For example, if you insert a DNA that is filled with joy and love, your heart will be full of them.

All people have bad hearts in them. There is filthy, ugly, despicable, and obscene heart in all of us. There are people who follow that heart and live like an animal, but most of us fight that heart because we don’t want to be like that. Even when you already live such life, people resist inside their hearts.

“I should stop gambling!”
“I should stop doing drugs!”
“I should stop lying!”
“I should stop committing adultery!”
“I should respect my parents!”

They say these things to themselves and make a resolution, but soon fail. You try to fix your dirty heart and life but it doesn’t work. That is because the DNA of the heart is the same as before. Your DNA likes those things you want to stop doing.

Change of heart does not happen like that. If you really want to change, the heart DNA has to change. If you receive the DNA of a good heart, that new heart will make you wise, make you love, and make you peaceful.

Then, what do you need in order to change the heart DNA?

I was born again when I was 19 years old. What kept me in agony before then was that there seemed to be no hope. Going to school, going to a technical school, applying for government organization, going to Japan to work on my uncle’s business, all I have tried failed. My last chance was enrolling in the army as a technician, but I failed the physical checkup because of my broken teeth.

In 1962, my life was a failure. Everything seemed to work out in my head, but in didn’t go as expected. I tried new things thinking I can succeed, but the results were all failure. I began to realize that there was a problem in a more fundamental level. I was always generous on my abilities, but I came to know that such beliefs did not have any basis. For the first time in my life, I could look at myself objectively. “Oh, I am not a very competent person!” I realized how meaningless it was to think I could do everything. I realized how pathetic I was.

My career was not the only thing I failed in. I was going to church at that time, but no matter how much I tried, I could not resist against sin. I lied every time I opened my mouth, so when the day started I told myself that I would not speak to anyone trying not to lie. However, in the afternoons I found myself talking with others and I was bluffing and lying. Also, when I was young there was not much food so my friends and I would steal fruits from other people’s fields. I knew I would steal things when I am with friends so I tried hard  not to join the gathering. But in the evenings I would get lonely and without knowing, I was with my friends again, and I would steal from others. Every morning I would go to church and prayed for my sins and promised that I would not sin again, but I could not be freed from sin.

As time passed by, I could not trust myself. No matter how much I tried, I knew that I cannot do good. I realized that if I followed my imperfect thoughts, I would fail. The heart of trusting myself collapsed in me. My heart DNA has been removed. And in that empty heart, a new heart that was in the Bible flowed in.

No matter who you are, you have to discover that your heart is broken in order to accept a new heart. That is a necessity in changing the heart DNA. People who think they are doing well can never accept other words or hearts in them. They deny them because it is different. Once they realize that their heart is hopeless, they want to replace it. When this continues, their hearts of trusting in themselves fade away.

Let’s say there is a person that wants to change their broken heart. How can he change his heart DNA? For example, maybe he is addicted to gaming so he could not carry on a normal life and wanted to break free but failed. He tried everything he could but failed and failed, so deep in his heart, he thinks, “I cannot recover from game addiction!”

Once you reach this state, you already know that your own determination is not enough to change your heart but now you are trapped in the thought that you cannot be recovered. Once you meet with a heart believing there is a way to recover from addiction, and replace your heart, you can receive a new heart and the new heart resets the heart DNA so that you can live a changed life.

Change starts from accepting a good heart DNA. A person who has a good heart DNA knows that if someone accepts his heart, then the person’s heart and life gets changed. That’s why he tries to give out his heart. Before a good heart DNA, people think whether “to stick to his own thought or to accept a new heart after emptying his own thoughts.” Depending on what you choose, the direction of your life is decided.

Let me tell you a story when my heart changed.

In the winter of 1979, I was living in Daegu. There was a pastor from a leper church in Youngcheon, which is nearby, came to me and asked me if I could be a speaker at their Bible seminar. I said I can.

“Pastor, you must come!”
“Yes, I will go.”
“Pastor, you can’t say you can’t come later!”
“I won’t.”

“To be honest, we were supposed to have seminar a while ago. All our brothers and sister were joyfully preparing for the event. However, a week before the seminar, the pastor called us and told us he can’t come because he was busy. The brothers and sisters heard the news and there was an uproar saying ‘What do you mean he is busy? He’s not coming because we are lepers! Are lepers not worthy enough to listen to God’s Words?’ If you don’t come again, the brothers and sisters will fall into a trial.”
“I promise you. I will go no matter what.”

This pastor was not convinced, so he said that he would buy me dinner. We went to a restaurant and grilled some ribs. I was very poor at that time and didn’t have a chance to eat ribs, so they were really delicious at first. Then, I saw something that I shouldn’t have seen. The pastor in front of me was talking and his saliva was being spattered over the grilled meat. I suddenly lost my appetite because he was also a leper. He kept on insisting that I eat more, so I took a few pieces on my side, and grilled them and ate them.

When I came back to my church, a pastor asked me, “Pastor Park, I heard you are going to a leper colony?” I said yes, and he told me, “You have to be careful. When you go there, people test you by giving you boiled eggs with pus on their hands. Are you really going to take them?” I told him to stop talking nonsense.

A few days before the seminar, I woke up early morning and thought, “Will they really test me out with eggs? Should I take them or not?” Many thoughts crossed my mind. “How will I sleep once I’m there? Will I sleep in their houses? Will I have a separate room? Are we going to eat all together, or separately?”

I lived right next to the chapel, so I went to pray there. In my prayer, a Bible verse came upon me. “Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper. . . .” I was shocked. “Jesus, who was the Son of God, went to a leper’s house. What am I to hesitate going to the leper colony?” All my worries were gone. I thought, “I am no different from them. I can become a leper anytime too.” I felt as if I would not even care if I kissed a leper on his cheeks.

The day came and I went to speak at the leper church’s Bible seminar. I stayed really close with them and had the happiest time of my life. Even after the seminar I often visited them and spent time there. We were so close that one day they asked me quietly.

“Pastor Park, you can tell us now. We will not tell anybody.”
“Tell you what?”
“Pastor, you are a leper too, right?”

I smiled. I am not a person who can accept them, but my heart completely changed.

Nowadays, people rarely fix car engines, but long time ago, they would often fix them. When the car gets old, the engine’s pistons or cylinders wear out and the stroking force is leaked through the displacement. Filling up the piston and fitting the cylinder to the size to fill the empty space is called “engine boring.”

Recently made cars do not need boring because technology has advanced. If you have an old car, it is much better to get a new engine instead of fixing the old engine. Just like that, it is better to completely change into a new heart rather than fixing your broken heart.

As I conduct Mind Education, you cannot imagine how happy I am watching people’s heart change.

The funny thing is, that there are so many people who do not know how to become happy by changing their hearts, but it is so simple for me. When I teach them how, I see people change.

People try to fix their behaviors. However, behavior is not very important in change. What’s important is the heart. If you have a bad heart DNA, you keep having evil, ugly, and bad heart, and your life goes on accordingly. If you receive a good heart DNA, your life will become completely different. The good heart will affect your whole life, turning you into a bright, joyful, and happy person.

If you think you are good and intelligent, you tend to believe in your own thoughts. You will not accept other thoughts and hearts. On the other hand, if you have experienced failure, you will know how to accept other hearts. You can let down your own judgement and step forward accepting a new heart. Then, you can advance with the strength from the new heart. If you take out the bad heart and accept a new heart, you can become a new person. It is an amazing process.

If you replace your heart, the new heart will produce joy, peace, and happiness. In fact, the reason many people’s lives and hearts are broken is because they accept all kinds of hearts thoughtlessly. Since they accept bad hearts, their hearts and lives get sick. You should not try to live good or honest. You should empty that heart and receive a new heart.

I have experienced change myself numerous times, and I have seen people around me change. It was truly joyful to witness people’s lives turning bright through the change in their heart DNA. You cannot put into words how happy it is to see people being freed from sadness, fear, agony, and despair and recovering a bright and happy life.



Ock Soo Park
Pastor and founder of the International Youth Fellowship (IYF). As the world’s first founder of mind lectures, he lectures around the world as an expert of youth problems. After discovering the way a person’s heart flows, i.e., the world of the heart in the Bible, he believes his calling is to teach the youth, not the material world, but the world of the heart.

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